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Spiritualist Healing



The church is now open for healing every Wednesday between 7.30 to 8.45pm.  You do not need to book your place and you can just turn up on the night.



​The provision of spiritualist healing is a major part of the Church's work and we are very proud of our dedicated team of healers who give of their time and effort to provide this service.  Both hands-on and absent healing are available at the church as follows:


Healing Night - Wednesdays, 7.30-8.45pm

If you would like to experience hands-on spiritualist healing then please come along to our healing night where you can book a healing session with our healers.  Just turn up anytime between 7.30 and 8.45pm to receive healing.


Absent Healing

If you would like us to send absent healing to someone you know, please enter the name of the person in the Church Healing Book and we will send them absent healing during our next service.  If you are unable to make it to our church, please e-mail or text us the details and we will put the person's name in our healing book for you.  Please visit our Contact Us page for contact details.


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